File a DMCA takedown request for a website with prefilled data.
A Learneo company
Issuu is a virtual magazine and hosting site for PDFs.
ProProfs is an academic tool set. Note the notice goes to a law firm.
A study materials sharing site
Learneo is the parent company of this notes sharing site.
A site where users can upload lecture notes or ducments
Course Sidekick is a site where students can share study documents.
Quora is one of the world's biggest Q&A sites
Document sharing site
Docmerit is an online marketplace for buying and selling study documents, such as lecture notes, summaries, practice exams and more.
DocMerit is a platform where users can upload, share, and sell their documents.
Large scale user generated/user upload site focused around images
Cram is an online flashcard tool with user-generated content.
Content aggregator
Stuvia is a marketplace for study materials and textbooks.
airSlate is the parent company for SignNow, which has a repository of shared documents that may contain infringement.
StudyStack has user-generated flashcards.
Test prep site
This is a global site where users upload PDF, PPT, and other files. is a crowdsourced test prep site.
Wattpad is an online social reading platform intended for users to read and write original stories. However, since the content is user generated there can be cases where people use copywrited content.
Learning site
DoxBox or HealthDocBox is a document repository where users upload content.
Quizizz is a US and India-based company where students can post questions and answers.
Flashcard Machine is a flashcard tool set. Users may have scraped data in.
We suggest trying the Facebook form - this BulkDMCA form will send to the address, which is notoriously slow. If you wish to reach our designated agent through other (and slower) methods, you can contact: Meta Platforms, Inc. Attn: Meta Designated Agent 1601 Willow Road Menlo Park, California 94025 650.543.4800 (phone)
Docsity is a site where students and teachers upload documents, similar to CourseHero. is an Indian site which has a user generated component.
Brainscape is a set of user tools for studying. Users may scrape content into their tools.
Exam brain dump site.
Scribd and Slideshare are user content-sharing sites, typically for specific documents like PDFs, PowerPoints, and Word Documents.
Some text
ExamTopics is a test prep site based on user content contributions.
QuizPlus is a practice test website.
Brianly has a user-generated content businesses.
Goconqr is UGC platform.
ExamTopics has user contributions that can have DMCA issues.
StudyLib has user-generated content and uploads. They are responsive to DMCA takedowns through their online form.
CourseHero is a platform for sharing notes and course materials. Some of the content is shared by users without permission from creators or faculty. is platform with many students sharing notes and practice questions. If their users have scraped your content you can use this form to remove try to remove it.
The YouTube video platform is a frequent source of DMCA violations from individual users.
Quizlet is a flashcard website with millions of sets.
PracticeQuiz has mostly original content, but its flashcard section has user generated content.
Chegg users often scrape data.